www.lonap.net - Multi-Router Looking Glass (MRLG)
Running MRLG Version 5.4.1+ad1 Beta (IPv6+SSH+Neighbor interrogation)
A service of LONAP.
Note: ALL access to this interface is logged. Accessing from:
This facility is for network diagnostics only.
Please do NOT use this looking glass in automated scripts without permission.

IPv4 Queries:
show ip bgp
show ip bgp summary
show ip bgp ipv4 multicast
show ip bgp ipv4 multicast summary
show ip bgp neighbor [argument] received-routes
show ip bgp neighbor [argument] advertised-routes
show ip bgp neighbor [argument] paths

IPv6 Queries:
show bgp ipv6 unicast
show bgp ipv6 unicast summary
show bgp ipv6 unicast neighbor [argument] received-routes
show bgp ipv6 unicast neighbor [argument] routes
show bgp ipv6 unicast neighbor [argument] advertised-routes
show bgp ipv6 unicast neighbor [argument] paths
show ipv6 route

Other Commands:
show ipv6 neighbor
show ip arp
show ip protocols
show ip route

Argument: (many commands require an IP address as argument)

/cgi-bin/mrlg.cgi is running:
Multi-Router Looking Glass version 5.4.1+ad1 Beta (IPv6+SSH+Neighbor interrogation)
© 2000-2007, John Fraizer - OP-SEC.US
Source code: http://www.op-sec.us/mrlg/source/.