Internet Exchange Point


The London Access Point (LONAP) was first established in 1997 as a "not for profit" Internet Exchange Point for London. Today, our list of active members includes global brands, London businesses and FTSE100 companies, all of which are joint stakeholders in the organisation. As members, they all have exclusive interconnectivity and direct input into the configuration of the network and enjoy the commercial, operational and social benefits of working with a vibrant and dynamic exchange.

Our growing membership includes ISPs, network operators and content providers with their own data networks. LONAP members exchange traffic using a network of interconnected switches hosted in our data centres across the City of London and Docklands.

Company Details

  • Company name
  • LONAP Limited
  • Company no
  • 3537698
  • Registered in
  • England
  • VAT reg number
  • GB 773 7791 76
  • Registered office
  • 2nd Floor, Regis House, 45 King William Street, LONDON EC4R 9AN*

*LONAP does not base any operational resources at the registered office address above. Please do not send any sales or marketing material to our registered office.


LONAP Limited is a company limited by guarantee. This is a standard form of corporation for a not-for-profit company that has "members" rather than shareholders. In Europe, the notion of member-owned Internet Exchanges is quite common, and arose from a culture of technical co-operation between network operators. In the United States, a similar form of corporation exists in a 501(c)6 Organisation.