Our Members
The following networks are connected to LONAP.
- 1310.io
- 57793
- 10 Gbps
- 27Fibre
- 48605
- 2 Gbps
- 39D Services
- 34979
- 2 Gbps
- Afilias
- 12041
- 1 Gbps
- Akamai
- 20940
- 600 Gbps
- Akamai Prolexic
- 32787
- 100 Gbps
- Akari Networks
- 983
- 10 Gbps
- Alibaba
- 45102
- 10 Gbps
- Alibaba Cloud CDN
- 24429
- 10 Gbps
- AllPoints Fibre Networks
- 5482
- 200 Gbps
- Amatis Networks
- 34442
- 10 Gbps
- Andrews & Arnold / AAISP
- 20712
- 8 Gbps
- ANS Group
- 61323
- 100 Gbps
- Anthony Garced
- 215135
- 1 Gbps
- 210464
- 1 Gbps
- Apple Europe
- 714
- 200 Gbps
- AQ Networks (AQL)
- 33920
- 2 Gbps
- ASK4
- 41230
- 100 Gbps
- Aspire Technology Solutions
- 51043
- 20 Gbps
- Assured Networks
- 400967
- 1 Gbps
- AXA Insurance UK
- 34746
- 30 Gbps
- 63150
- 1 Gbps
- Baltic Broadband
- 203421
- 10 Gbps
- baragoon networks
- 215887
- 1 Gbps
- Based Networking
- 21991
- 1 Gbps
- 2818
- 80 Gbps
- 31459
- 10 Gbps
- Beaming
- 48620
- 4 Gbps
- Beeline Broadband
- 41232
- 2 Gbps
- Belgacom ICS
- 6774
- 20 Gbps
- BGP.Tools Route Collector *
- 212232
- 1 Gbps
- Binsar Sirait
- 215084
- 1 Gbps
- Blacknight Internet Solutions
- 39122
- 20 Gbps
- Blizzard Entertainment
- 57976
- 10 Gbps
- Blue Tiger Solutions
- 47480
- 1 Gbps
- Bogons
- 3213
- 4 Gbps
- Boundless Networks
- 57099
- 10 Gbps
- Box Broadband
- 210874
- 20 Gbps
- Brandwatch
- 60868
- 1 Gbps
- Bridge Fibre
- 51055
- 10 Gbps
- BrightStar
- 42228
- 10 Gbps
- 51809
- 100 Gbps
- 4455
- 10 Gbps
- 51782
- 4 Gbps
- CacheFly
- 30081
- 40 Gbps
- Cadence Networks
- 47638
- 10 Gbps
- Canadian Internet Registration
- 55195
- 10 Gbps
- 60793
- 2 Gbps
- Catchpoint
- 397601
- 1 Gbps
- Cato Networks
- 13150
- 2 Gbps
- CCS Leeds
- 34555
- 10 Gbps
- 201126
- 10 Gbps
- Cerberus Networks
- 51918
- 14 Gbps
- Cisco OpenDNS
- 36692
- 100 Gbps
- Claranet
- 8426
- 20 Gbps
- CloudCoCo Connect
- 25577
- 10 Gbps
- CloudConnX
- 57907
- 4 Gbps
- Cloudflare
- 13335
- 100 Gbps
- Clouvider
- 62240
- 40 Gbps
- Colt
- 8220
- 100 Gbps
- Community Fibre
- 201838
- 100 Gbps
- Comtec / Sargasso Networks
- 42579
- 4 Gbps
- Connectbit
- 64415
- 2 Gbps
- Connective Online
- 39175
- 2 Gbps
- ConnetU
- 51945
- 4 Gbps
- Connexin
- 199775
- 40 Gbps
- Contingency Networks
- 21339
- 10 Gbps
- Converged Communication Soluti
- 39522
- 10 Gbps
- County Broadband
- 51263
- 50 Gbps
- Custodian Datacentre
- 50300
- 10 Gbps
- CWCS Managed Hosting
- 15510
- 2 Gbps
- Cyberhive
- 20915
- 3 Gbps
- Daisy Corporate
- 5413
- 60 Gbps
- Digital Space Group
- 8607
- 10 Gbps
- DigitalOcean
- 14061
- 100 Gbps
- DSM Group
- 48070
- 10 Gbps
- Duodecadit
- 34655
- 10 Gbps
- eBay
- 62955
- 10 Gbps
- Edgio
- 22822
- 200 Gbps
- EDGOO Networks
- 6424
- 40 Gbps
- Elite
- 29611
- 10 Gbps
- EMFCamp *
- 60079
- 211 Gbps
- Entanet / CityFibre
- 8468
- 100 Gbps
- Epsilon
- 44356
- Equinix Connect - EMEA
- 15830
- 80 Gbps
- ETO Networks
- 214731
- 1 Gbps
- EvolveIP
- 59439
- 1 Gbps
- EX Networks
- 35266
- 4 Gbps
- Exa Networks
- 30740
- 20 Gbps
- Exascale
- 61049
- 10 Gbps
- Excell Business Systems
- 8530
- 20 Gbps
- Exponential-e
- 25180
- 20 Gbps
- 41495
- 2 Gbps
- Fastly
- 54113
- 400 Gbps
- Fastnet International
- 12519
- 6 Gbps
- 215958
- 1 Gbps
- Feral Hosting
- 200052
- 40 Gbps
- Fibre Assets
- 205975
- 40 Gbps
- Fibrus
- 202282
- 100 Gbps
- Fluency Communications
- 56595
- 20 Gbps
- Fluidata
- 39545
- 30 Gbps
- Forcepoint
- 44444
- 40 Gbps
- Freethought Internet
- 41000
- 10 Gbps
- FyfeWeb Hosting
- 212396
- 4 Gbps
- G.Network Communications
- 202596
- 40 Gbps
- Gamma Telecom
- 31655
- 50 Gbps
- Giant Communications
- 205012
- 10 Gbps
- Gigabit Networks
- 56482
- 10 Gbps
- Gigaclear
- 56329
- 200 Gbps
- Glide
- 42689
- 40 Gbps
- Global Secure Layer
- 137409
- 40 Gbps
- Go Internet
- 203649
- 10 Gbps
- 15169
- 100 Gbps
- Grain Communications
- 199468
- 40 Gbps
- Gulf Bridge International
- 200612
- 10 Gbps
- 36924
- 40 Gbps
- Gyron Internet
- 29017
- 10 Gbps
- Hampstead Fibre
- 210412
- 2 Gbps
- HighSpeed Office
- 39326
- 100 Gbps
- Host-IT
- 45014
- 10 Gbps
- Hurricane Electric
- 6939
- 100 Gbps
- Hydra Communications
- 25369
- 100 Gbps
- 47272
- 2 Gbps
- Hyper Group Network
- 216324
- 1 Gbps
- Hyperoptic
- 56478
- 200 Gbps
- i3D.net
- 49544
- 40 Gbps
- Ian Chilton *
- 57483
- 1 Gbps
- iBrowse
- 47866
- 2 Gbps
- ICUK Computing Services
- 51561
- 30 Gbps
- Idaq
- 34660
- 10 Gbps
- IDnet
- 12496
- 20 Gbps
- 197898
- 2 Gbps
- iFog
- 34927
- 1 Gbps
- Inferno Communications
- 207841
- 10 Gbps
- 35313
- 1 Gbps
- Init7
- 13030
- 10 Gbps
- Internetty
- 60255
- 10 Gbps
- ISC - f.root-servers.net *
- 33073
- 1 Gbps
- 42010
- 10 Gbps
- Jere Kiitola
- 214809
- 1 Gbps
- JPC Infonet
- 12775
- 4 Gbps
- Kcom Group
- 12390
- 100 Gbps
- KDDI Europe
- 6894
- 1 Gbps
- kjartannet
- 51019
- 1 Gbps
- Lagrange Cloud Technologies
- 209735
- 2 Gbps
- Layered Technologies
- 210893
- 20 Gbps
- Lightning Fibre
- 207995
- 20 Gbps
- linear.network
- 215313
- 1 Gbps
- Linode
- 63949
- 100 Gbps
- Lit Fibre
- 211597
- 40 Gbps
- Livedrive Internet
- 61012
- 10 Gbps
- M247
- 9009
- 20 Gbps
- M247
- 16247
- 100 Gbps
- Macarne
- 64289
- 10 Gbps
- Marcus Hughes
- 214323
- 1 Gbps
- Marston's Telecoms
- 61124
- 10 Gbps
- 50763
- 2 Gbps
- Merula
- 16353
- 20 Gbps
- 215214
- 2 Gbps
- Microsoft
- 8075
- 400 Gbps
- Miralium Research
- 214569
- 1 Gbps
- Misaka Network
- 917
- 1 Gbps
- MLL Telecom
- 199713
- 10 Gbps
- MoeDove Global
- 44324
- 1 Gbps
- MTH Networks
- 210619
- 30 Gbps
- Mythic Beasts
- 44684
- 20 Gbps
- Nasstar
- 8851
- 20 Gbps
- 34465
- 10 Gbps
- 49600
- 40 Gbps
- Netcalibre
- 25098
- 10 Gbps
- NetConnex
- 21396
- 10 Gbps
- Netflix
- 2906
- 100 Gbps
- NetIX
- 57463
- 10 Gbps
- Netnod *
- 8674
- 2 Gbps
- Netservers
- 35826
- 4 Gbps
- Netskope
- 55256
- 80 Gbps
- Netwise Hosting
- 60800
- 10 Gbps
- Next Connex
- 51048
- 10 Gbps
- No One Internet
- 49375
- 10 Gbps
- Nominet
- 8683
- 1 Gbps
- NORDUnet
- 2603
- 10 Gbps
- 205771
- 10 Gbps
- OGI Networks
- 48294
- 20 Gbps
- Open Peering
- 20562
- 20 Gbps
- OrbitalNet
- 24916
- 40 Gbps
- Oscar Music & Media
- 47998
- 1 Gbps
- Packet Clearing House AS3856 *
- 3856
- 10 Gbps
- Packet Clearing House AS42 *
- 42
- 10 Gbps
- ParadoxNetworks
- 52025
- 2 Gbps
- Path Network
- 396998
- 20 Gbps
- Paul Lewis
- 204778
- 1 Gbps
- PBX Hosting
- 50823
- 2 Gbps
- PebbleHost
- 212027
- 40 Gbps
- Perceval Technologies
- 5463
- 2 Gbps
- Pixie Networks
- 41847
- 10 Gbps
- PRT Systems
- 8676
- 2 Gbps
- PSD Group
- 206626
- 10 Gbps
- Public Internet
- 28792
- 10 Gbps
- Purefibre
- 59953
- 10 Gbps
- Quantum Air Fibre
- 47935
- 2 Gbps
- Qwilt
- 20253
- 100 Gbps
- Rackspace
- 12200
- 20 Gbps
- Razorblue
- 15692
- 10 Gbps
- Redcentric
- 13009
- 90 Gbps
- Riot Games
- 6507
- 10 Gbps
- RIPE - k.root-servers.net *
- 25152
- 10 Gbps
- RIPE NCC Authoritative DNS
- 197000
- 10 Gbps
- 12654
- 10 Gbps
- RM Education
- 5503
- 60 Gbps
- Rocket Fibre
- 212263
- 20 Gbps
- Safe Hosts Internet
- 59816
- 10 Gbps
- Salesforce
- 14340
- 10 Gbps
- Scaleblade
- 52041
- 10 Gbps
- Securus Communications
- 59659
- 2 Gbps
- 24482
- 10 Gbps
- Shams Hanna
- 215605
- 1 Gbps
- Silvio Gabriel
- 215153
- 1 Gbps
- Simply Transit
- 29550
- 10 Gbps
- SipSynergy
- 51409
- 1 Gbps
- Six Degrees Managed Data
- 6908
- 10 Gbps
- Sky UK
- 5607
- 100 Gbps
- Smishcraft Hosting
- 210667
- 1 Gbps
- Sohonet
- 16164
- 10 Gbps
- Sona Business
- 60022
- 10 Gbps
- Sota Solutions
- 31742
- 10 Gbps
- Squirrel
- 212109
- 10 Gbps
- Stellium Networks (UK)
- 206324
- 1 Gbps
- Stream Networks
- 198736
- 10 Gbps
- Stripe21
- 8838
- 1 Gbps
- Structured Communications
- 199283
- 2 Gbps
- Sure International
- 8680
- 40 Gbps
- SureVoIP
- 199659
- 2 Gbps
- Swish Fibre
- 208189
- 40 Gbps
- Talk Straight Group
- 199335
- 40 Gbps
- Tamar Telecommunications
- 56745
- 1 Gbps
- Telappliant
- 34066
- 10 Gbps
- Telcom Networks
- 31631
- 20 Gbps
- teleBIZZ
- 41103
- 3 Gbps
- Teledata
- 43545
- 1 Gbps
- Telet Research
- 211371
- 2 Gbps
- 7713
- 1 Gbps
- Teraswitch Inc
- 20326
- 10 Gbps
- TFM Networks
- 34790
- 10 Gbps
- ThoriumCube
- 198079
- 1 Gbps
- Tibus
- 41678
- 10 Gbps
- TikTok
- 396986
- 100 Gbps
- 25460
- 10 Gbps
- Toob
- 60377
- 400 Gbps
- Trooli
- 48101
- 200 Gbps
- Truespeed
- 43915
- 40 Gbps
- 13414
- 20 Gbps
- UK Dedicated Servers
- 42831
- 100 Gbps
- Unchained ISP
- 209505
- 2 Gbps
- USIC Internet Services
- 41400
- 2 Gbps
- Vaioni Group
- 35575
- 20 Gbps
- Viatel
- 31122
- 10 Gbps
- Vitrifi AS211393
- 211393
- 2 Gbps
- Vodafone
- 5378
- 100 Gbps
- Vodat International
- 50023
- 10 Gbps
- Voiceflex
- 24594
- 2 Gbps
- VoiceHost
- 31472
- 10 Gbps
- VoIP Unlimited
- 42004
- 10 Gbps
- Voneus
- 59811
- 100 Gbps
- Vorboss
- 25160
- 400 Gbps
- W3Z Broadband
- 39875
- 2 Gbps
- 49490
- 10 Gbps
- Wessex Internet
- 206347
- 10 Gbps
- Wifinity
- 49158
- 200 Gbps
- Wifirst
- 52075
- 10 Gbps
- WightFibre
- 60426
- 100 Gbps
- Wnet
- 1820
- 2 Gbps
- Workonline Communications
- 37271
- 30 Gbps
- Wurzel
- 60193
- 2 Gbps
- Xentain Solutions
- 15353
- 10 Gbps
- XTX Markets
- 211029
- 10 Gbps
- Yahoo!
- 10310
- 40 Gbps
- Yelp UK
- 33445
- 1 Gbps
- York Data Services
- 43013
- 4 Gbps
- YouFibre
- 212655
- 500 Gbps
- Zayo
- 6461
- 100 Gbps
- Zayo France
- 8218
- 100 Gbps
- Zen Internet
- 13037
- 80 Gbps
- ZetServers
- 6204
- 100 Gbps
- Zzoomm
- 42611
- 100 Gbps
* denotes that the organisation is not a member but only connected to the exchange (e.g. where it forms part of another membership).
LONAP Members can see more detailed information in the member portal
Members with the MANRS logo have signed up to the Mutually Agreed Norms for Routing Security (MANRS) programme for routing security and best operational practices.
LONAP is an IXP member of MANRS and encourages all participants to join MANRS and to meet the technical standards for routing security.